The Deacons’ purpose is to assist the Pastor in meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation: Assists the Pastor so that he may focus on prayer and ministry of the Word. Assists in the administration of the Holy Communion. Assists in the administration of Baptism. Assist in congregational nurture and care through visiting the sick and shut-in. Deacons fulfill their purpose through a variety of means, including the following:*Being alert to the spiritual needs of the congregation*Promoting unity within the church*Preparing the ordinances of the church (Baptism and the Lord’s supper)*Encouraging and nurturing new members through targeted activities.


For they that have used the office of a Deacon well purchased to themselves a good degree, and a great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. I Timothy 3:13
*Reaching out to absentee members; visiting the sick, infirmed, and bereaved*Assisting the Pastor in all church endeavors*Increasing the communication of pertinent information to the church congregation*Teaching God’s people in the ways of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ*Aiding the church congregation through service when needed or called upon*Studying of the Word and praying for the Church and Pastor.

​Point of contacts are:
Deacon Charles Neal   Phone: 501-539-3701
Deacon Gregory Adams, Sr.